Improve Your Test Scores with The Test Advantage - Digital SAT, ACT, EST Exam Vocabulary Practice | SET 3
Digital SAT Vocabulary Set 3

Digital SAT Vocabulary Set 3

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Mastering Digital SAT/EST/ACT Vocabulary: Boost Your Score with Set 3 Advanced Reading Words Title: Master Digital SAT/EST/ACT Vocabulary: Boost Your Score with Advanced Reading Words Set 3 Meta Description: Achieve a score of 700+ or 32+ in digital SAT, EST, and ACT exams by mastering advanced reading vocabulary words essential for success. If you're a student preparing for the SAT, ACT or EST, you know that mastering vocabulary is essential to getting a high score. But with so many words to learn, where do you even begin? The answer lies in focusing on advanced reading words that appear frequently on the tests. Set 3 of these words is particularly important to know, as they often appear in the more challenging reading passages. But memorizing words alone won't cut it. To truly boost your score, you need to understand how to use them in context and how they relate to the overall meaning of the passage. In this article, we'll dive into the top Set 3 digital SAT/EST/ACT vocabulary words, and give you tips on how to master them effectively. By the end of this article, you'll have the tools you need to confidently tackle these advanced words and boost your overall score. So, get ready to take your vocabulary skills to the next level! Set 3 ā€“ vocabulary definitions 1.Conscientious - characterized by extreme care and great effort; diligent and attentive to detail. Synonyms: scrupulous, thorough, diligent 2.Method - a particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. Synonyms: system, technique, approach 3.Incidental - happening as a minor accompaniment to something else. Synonyms: secondary, minor, subsidiary 4.Mishap - an unlucky accident or unfortunate event. Synonyms: misfortune, accident, disaster 5.Collaborative - produced or conducted by two or more parties working together. Synonyms: cooperative, joint, collective 6.Design - a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of something before it is built or made. Synonyms: plan, blueprint, scheme 7.Systematic - done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical. Synonyms: methodical, organized, structured 8.Accident - an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. Synonyms: mishap, disaster, misfortune 9.Allied - joined by or relating to an agreement or treaty. Synonyms: affiliated, associated, connected 10.Partisan - a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. Synonyms: supporter, follower, adherent 11.Contiguous - sharing a common border; touching. Synonyms: adjacent, neighboring, adjoining 12.Pluralistic - relating to or advocating a system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc. coexist. Synonyms: diverse, multicultural, multifaceted 13.Mystical - relating to mystics or religious mysticism. Synonyms: spiritual, transcendental, esoteric 14.Superior - higher in rank, status, or quality. Synonyms: higher, better, greater 15.Uneven - not level or smooth. Synonyms: rough, bumpy, irregular 16.Mediocre - of only moderate quality; not very good. Synonyms: average, ordinary, inferior 17.Predictable - able to be predicted or anticipated. Synonyms: expected, anticipated, foreseeable 18.Eloquent - fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. Synonyms: articulate, expressive, fluent 19.Enthralling - capturing and holding one's attention; fascinating. Synonyms: captivating, absorbing, mesmerizing 20.Vapid - offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland. Synonyms: insipid, dull, lifeless 21.Fragility - the quality of being easily broken or damaged. Synonyms: delicacy, frailty, vulnerability 22.Reminiscence - a story told about a past event remembered by the narrator. Synonyms: recollection, memory, reminiscing 23.Perniciousness - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. Synonyms: harmful, dangerous, damaging 24.Plasticity - the quality of being easily shaped or molded. Synonyms: flexibility, adaptability, malleability 25.Acronym - an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word. Synonyms: initialism, abbreviation, acronymization 26.Retraction - the action of withdrawing or revoking something that has been said or done. Synonyms: withdrawal, retraction, recantation 27.Tenet: a principle or belief held to be true by a group or individual. Synonyms: doctrine, dogma, creed. 28.Plight: a difficult or unfortunate situation. Synonyms: predicament, dilemma, hardship. 29.Curative: having the ability to cure or heal. Synonyms: therapeutic, remedial, healing. 30.Flavoring: a substance added to food or drink to give it a particular taste. Synonyms: seasoning, spice, condiment. 31.Inferior: lower in rank, status, or quality. Synonyms: substandard, second-rate, lesser. 32.Questionable: doubtful, uncertain, or suspicious. Synonyms: dubious, shady, unreliable. 33.Revitalizes: gives new life, energy, or strength to something. Synonyms: rejuvenates, refreshes, renews. 34.Consign: to hand over or entrust something to someone else. Synonyms: deliver, assign, transfer. 35.Conjoins: to bring together or join in a single entity. Synonyms: unite, merge, connect. 36.Exclude: to deny someone or something access, entry, or participation. Synonyms: omit, reject, eliminate. 37.Realigns: to adjust or reorganize something to make it more effective or efficient. Synonyms: readjusts, restructures, realigns. 38.Salvage: to save or rescue something from destruction or loss. Synonyms: recover, retrieve, reclaim. 39.Diffuses: to spread or scatter widely, especially a gas or liquid. Synonyms: disseminates, spreads, circulates. 40.Defer: to put off or delay an action or decision. Synonyms: postpone, delay, suspend. 41.Theatricality: the quality or state of being dramatic, theatrical, or exaggerated. Synonyms: drama, showiness, flamboyance. 42.Sullenness: a gloomy or resentful mood or disposition. Synonyms: moroseness, glumness, moodiness. 43.Flamboyance: the quality or state of being showy or colorful in an attention-grabbing way. Synonyms: showiness, extravagance, ostentation. 44.Reserve: to keep back or save for future use. Synonyms: save, set aside, retain. 45.Inadequate: not sufficient or not enough in size, amount, or quality. Synonyms: insufficient, lacking, inadequate. 46.Tangential: only slightly relevant or related to the main topic or issue. Synonyms: peripheral, incidental, irrelevant. 47.Indispensable: absolutely necessary or essential. Synonyms: necessary, vital, crucial. 48.Baneful: causing harm, destruction, or ruin. Synonyms: harmful, destructive, damaging. 49.Diligent: hard-working, industrious, and thorough in one's work or duties. Synonyms: industrious, assiduous, conscientious. 50.Supercilious: behaving or looking as though one is superior to others. Synonyms: arrogant, haughty, condescending. 51.Perspicacious: having a keen understanding or insight; mentally sharp. Synonyms: insightful, perceptive, discerning. 52.Unpretentious: modest and not trying to impress others with wealth or status. Synonyms: humble, unassuming, down-to-earth. 53.Obtuse: slow to understand or perceive something. 53.Obtuse: lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect; insensitive, dull or stupid. Synonyms: slow, dim-witted, unintelligent 54.Penitent: feeling or showing regret for wrongdoing; repentant. Synonyms: remorseful, regretful, contrite 55.Sagacious: having or showing good judgement; wise, shrewd, clever. Synonyms: astute, insightful, perceptive 56.Imposing: grand, impressive or imposing in appearance, style, or general effect. Synonyms: magnificent, majestic, grandiose SET 2 WORDS FOUND HERE SET 1 WORDS FOUND HERE SET 3 PRACTICE HERE