A-Z 1000 Digital SAT Vocabulary Words | set 7
Digital SAT Vocabulary | set 7

Digital SAT Vocabulary | set 7

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A-Z Vocabulary Words for the Digital SAT | EST Test | ACT Reading | GRE | Set 7 If you are a student preparing for the EST Test, ACT Reading, Digital SAT, or GRE, then you know just how important it is to have a strong vocabulary. Building your vocabulary can help you better understand complex texts, communicate more effectively, and perform better on these exams. To help you achieve your goals, we have compiled a comprehensive list of vocabulary words that are commonly found on these exams. This list includes 1000 words that are frequently tested on the EST Test, ACT Reading, Digital SAT, and GRE, and we highly recommend practicing these words regularly to improve your vocabulary skills. With this list and 1000 word practice, you will be well on your way to achieving success on these exams and beyond. Good luck in your studies! 1) Successful: achieving or having achieved success, triumphant, accomplished, victorious, thriving. 2) Assured: confident in one's abilities or character , having no doubt , sure , certain, confident, convinced. 3) Boring: not interesting , tedious , dull, monotonous, uneventful. 4) Questionable: doubtful as regards truth or quality , open to question , dubious, suspicious, uncertain. 5) Dull: lacking interest or excitement , boring , tedious, drab, uninteresting. 6) Foreseen: predicted or expected , anticipated, predicted, expected. 7) Exciting: causing great enthusiasm and eagerness , thrilling , thrilling, exhilarating, stimulating. 8) Uncertain: not able to be relied on , not known or definite , unsure, doubtful, indecisive. 9) Garnished: decorated , embellished , adorned, decorated, embellished. 10) Improvisational: done without preparation , spontaneous , spontaneous, impromptu, unrehearsed. 11) Fragmented: broken into pieces or parts , incomplete , shattered, splintered, incomplete. 12) Uniform: remaining the same in all cases and at all times , unchanging in form or character , consistent, unchanging, constant. 13) Tout: attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner , advertise, promote, publicize. 14) Efficacious: successful in producing a desired or intended result , effective , effective, potent, successful. 15) Research: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions , study, investigation, exploration. 16) Innocuous: not harmful or offensive , benign, harmless, safe. 17) Market: a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities , marketplace, bazaar, fair. 18) Prohibitive: forbidding or restricting something , restrictive, limiting, inhibiting. 19) Laud: praise (a person or their achievements) highly, especially in a public context , applaud, acclaim, extol. 20) Counterproductive: having the opposite of the desired effect , ineffective, unproductive, fruitless. 21) Perceptiveness: having or showing the ability to understand or notice something easily or quickly , insight, acuity, discernment. 22) Self-centered: preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs , egocentric, narcissistic, self-absorbed. 23) Objectivity: the quality of being objective , not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts , impartiality, neutrality, detachment. 24) Restrictive: imposing restrictions or limitations on someone or something , limiting, confining, constraining. 25) Cynicism: an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest , skepticism , skepticism, doubt, distrust. 26) Self-destructive: tending to harm or destroy oneself , self-harming, self-damaging, self-injurious. 27) Insightfulness: having or showing a deep understanding of something , perceptiveness, acumen, astuteness. 28) Self-critical: tending to find fault with oneself , introspective , self-analytical, self-evaluating, self-assessing. 29) Abstemious: not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking , temperate, moderate, restrained. 30) Cannibalistic: relating to or practicing cannibalism , anthropophagous, man-eating. 31) Slovenly: messy and dirty , careless , untidy, disheveled, unkempt. 32) Insatiable: impossible to satisfy , constantly wanting more , unquenchable, voracious, insatiate. 33) Connoisseur: an expert judge in matters of taste , expert, specialist, authority. 34) Revivalist: a person who works to revive something, especially a religious or cultural movement , reformer, rejuvenator, revitalizer. 35) Beneficiary: a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy , recipient, heir, legatee. 36) Progenitor: a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates , an ancestor or parent , ancestor, forefather, precursor. 37) Digressions: a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing , deviation, divergence, detour. 38) Diatribes: a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something , tirade, harangue, rant. 39) Platitudes: a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful , cliché, truism, banality. 40) Machinations: a plot or scheme , scheme, plot, conspiracy. 41) Spare: additional to what is required for ordinary use , extra, surplus, additional. 42) Ornate: made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns , elaborate, embellished, decorated. 43) Terse: sparing in the use of words , abrupt , concise, brief, succinct. 44) Opinionated - having strong opinions and expressing them forcefully; synonyms: dogmatic, stubborn, inflexible, rigid, unbending. 45) Personal - relating to or affecting a particular person or their private life; synonyms: individual, private, subjective. 46) Academic - related to education and scholarship, often in a formal setting; synonyms: scholarly, intellectual, erudite, learned. 47) Baroque - characterized by ornate, intricate, and often extravagant style; synonyms: ornate, elaborate, fancy, decorative. 48) Embellished - decorated, adorned, or enhanced with additional features or details; synonyms: decorated, ornate, adorned, enhanced, enriched. 49) Discerns - to perceive or recognize something with the senses or intellect; synonyms: perceive, recognize, detect, sense, identify. 50) Introduces - to bring something or someone into a situation or place for the first time; synonyms: present, initiate, acquaint, launch, unveil. 51) Approximates - to come close to, or be similar to, something in quality, nature, or quantity; synonyms: estimate, guess, approach, come close to. 52) Commemorates - to remember and honor someone or something, often with a ceremony or monument; synonyms: celebrate, honor, remember, memorialize. 53) Disturbing - causing anxiety, unease, or discomfort; synonyms: alarming, unsettling, disconcerting, troubling, worrying. 54) Explicit - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt; synonyms: clear, definite, unambiguous, precise, specific. 55) Innovative - introducing something new and original, often with advances or improvements; synonyms: original, inventive, creative, fresh, novel. 56) Precipitous - dangerously high or steep, or happening very quickly or suddenly; synonyms: steep, sheer, abrupt, sudden, hasty. 57) Mysterious - difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify; synonyms: enigmatic, puzzling, cryptic, obscure, inscrutable. 58) Recognized - generally accepted or acknowledged as being true or existing; synonyms: established, accepted, acknowledged, known, realized. 59) Varied - having many different forms, types, or elements; synonyms: diverse, assorted, mixed, diversified, multiform. 60) Versatile - able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities; synonyms: adaptable, flexible, all-around, multi-talented, resourceful.