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13Test Categories9Tests


EST | TTA Writing Mastery | Test 10 | Report Available

Solve this test and review with your teacher.

Join our private classroom for access to exclusive materials!

EST Reading | March 2022 | Literacy II | Report Available

EST Mock Exams - March 2022 | Literacy II | Reading Rules & Vocabulary. TEST ANALYSIS AVAILABLE.

EST March 2022

EST English | March 2022 | Literacy I | Report Available

Egyptian Scholastic Test (EST Test) This is the March test. Solve timed and review your mistakes.

TTA Writing Test #8

EST | TTA Writing Mastery | Test 9 | Report Available

This is for the private classroom only. Solve and review with your teacher.

Private Classroom

EST Reading | Paired Science | Passage 27 | Deer

EST Reading | Paired Science | Passage 27 | Deer

Science Paired

EST Reading | Paired Science | Passage 26 | Monkeys

Solve and review with your teacher. Good luck.

Science Paired

EST Reading | Paired Science | Passage 25 | Rats

This passage is 820 words. Solve timed, and review with your teacher. Good luck.

TTA Writing Test #8

EST | TTA Writing Mastery | Test 8 | Report Available

Solve this test and review with Mr.Osama Ahmad. Click view report for a list of weaknesses and recommendations.

TTA Science 12

EST Reading | Paired Science | Passage 24 | Horses

This passage is 820 words long. Review with your teacher when you finish.

Test Categories

EST Reading | Master


EST Writing | Master


EST Reading | Intermediate


EST English | Intermediate




EST I Math Tests


ACT | Science Section




DSAT English


ACT | Reading


ACT | English


Real EST | Writing


Real EST | Reading
