13Test Categories9Tests
TTA Science 10
This passage is 817 words. Focus on the main ideas of the paragraph and USE elimination.
TTA Science 9
This passage is about 820 words. Focus on the main ideas in the first reading then details as you solve. Elimination is important...
TTA Science 18
Prepare for the EST reading section with exclusive science passages on rocks and geology from thetestadvantage.com.
TTA Writing Test #4
These tests are made to be 'anti-hack'. The little hacks you memorize won't help you here.
Join our PRIVATE CLASSROOM for more! 01065156922
For more EST practice tests join our PRIVATE CLASSROOM. There are another 20 tests.
TTA Science 7
Prepare for the Egyptian Scholastic Test (EST) with TheTestAdvantage, the only resource that offers personalized reading practice,...
TTA Science 6
EST Reading is a timed test that helps you improve your reading skills and score higher on the real EST exam in Egypt.
TTA Reading 15
TheTestAdvantage is the only online platform that offers exclusive EST reading practice and personalized reports to boost your tes...
Join our PRIVATE CLASSROOM for more passages and materials! 01065156922
TheTestAdvantage is the only est reading practice that offers exclusive est science passages with explanations and timed tests to...