
Course Description

Boost your EST scores with comprehensive video lessons taught by renowned educator Mr. Osama A. Ibrahim. Gain the skills and strategies to excel on the Literacy I and II reading and grammar sections. Sign up now for on-demand access to this essential EST test prep resource.

What you'll learn

  • I. Introduction to the EST

  • A. Overview of EST battery of tests

  • B. Importance of EST for university admissions in Egypt

  • C. Benefits of comprehensive video lesson prep

  • II. EST Literacy Test I

  • A. Reading Comprehension

  • 1. Active reading strategies

  • 2. Identifying main ideas and key details

  • 3. Practice passages and questions

  • B. Grammar and Usage

  • 1. Sentence structure and punctuation

  • 2. Commonly tested grammar rules

  • 3. Practice exercises

  • C. Test-Taking Strategies

  • 1. Time management techniques

  • 2. Process of elimination

  • 3. Identifying question types

  • III. EST Literacy Test II

  • A. Advanced Reading Comprehension

  • 1. Analyzing tone, purpose, and arguments

  • 2. Evaluating evidence and claims

  • 3. Practice passages and questions

  • B. Higher-Level Grammar and Usage

  • 1. Subject-verb agreement

  • 2. Pronoun and verb usage

  • 3. Idiomatic expressions

  • 4. Practice exercises

  • C. Test-Taking Strategies

  • 1. Pacing and prioritization

  • 2. Educated guessing

  • 3. Full-length practice exam


  • Laptop, tablet, or smartphone with internet access

  • Eagerness to excel on the EST Literacy I and II exams

  • Commitment to watch video lessons and complete practice exercises

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    Course Categories

  • EST (4)
  • Real EST | Writing (3)
  • Real EST | Reading (2)