Define the three different types of conjunctions.
Identify the three types of conjunctions.
Discern between the three types of conjunctions.
Identify when to use the types of conjunctions.
How will this lesson help me? Understanding the basic parts of speech before studying more complex grammar rules (such as on your test) will help you better identify issues in sentences. You can’t build a home from the top down, but from bottom up.
Will this help me directly on test questions? Yes. Any question related to punctuation or punctuation errors.
How long will this lesson take? 30 minutes or less.
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Objectives: Define the three different types of conjunctions. Identify the three types of conjunctions. Discern between the three types of conjunctions. Identify when to use the types of conjunctions. How will this lesson help me? Understanding the basic parts of speech before studying more complex grammar rules (such as on your test) will help you better identify issues in sentences. You can’t build a home from the top down, but from bottom up. Will this help me directly on test questions? Yes. Any question related to punctuation or punctuation errors. How long will this lesson take? 30 minutes or less.