EST Reading June 2022 Guide | Passage 1 of 5
By Mr. Osama Ahmad | July 15, 2023

EST Reading June 2022 Guide | Passage 1 of 5

EST Reading |Passage 1 Explanation| June 2022 |

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 The passage is an excerpt from a novel about Rebecca, a poor orphan who is staying with her friend Amelia and her family. Rebecca tries to impress and charm everyone in the house, including Amelia’s mother, the servants, and Amelia’s brother Joseph, who is interested in her. Rebecca shows gratitude and kindness to Amelia, who is her only true friend. Rebecca also reveals that her father was a drawing-master who helped her with her art, and that she misses him dearly. Rebecca flirts with Joseph, but is afraid of his reaction.


1. The first question is: In lines 114-123, the tone is best described as

To answer this question, we need to analyze the passage and identify the tone of the author or narrator. The tone is the attitude or emotion that the author or narrator conveys through the words and actions of the characters. To identify the tone, we can look for clues such as word choice, punctuation, imagery, and dialogue.

Let's look at lines 114-123 and see what clues we can find. These lines describe the interaction between Rebecca and Joe after she accuses him of making her eat a spicy dish. Rebecca says "I shall take care how I let YOU choose for me another time," and "I didn't think men were fond of putting poor harmless girls to pain." These statements show that Rebecca is pretending to be angry and hurt by Joe's actions, but she is actually teasing him and trying to get his attention. She also gives him "ever so gentle a pressure with her little hand," and then draws it back "quite frightened," and looks at him "for one instant" and then down at the carpet-rods. These actions show that Rebecca is shy and nervous about expressing her feelings for Joe, and that she is unsure of his reaction. Joe, on the other hand, says "By Gad, Miss Rebecca, I wouldn't hurt you for the world." This statement shows that Joe is sincere and apologetic, and that he cares for Rebecca. He also feels his heart thump when she touches his hand, which shows that he is surprised and moved by her gesture.

Based on these clues, we can infer that the tone of these lines is not tense and unforgiving (A), because there is no hostility or resentment between the characters. It is also not unsettling and disparaging (B), because there is no fear or contempt between the characters. It is not caring and persistent (C), because there is no determination or perseverance between the characters. The best answer is innocent and unexpected (D), because there is a sense of naivety and wonder between the characters, as they discover their feelings for each other.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. innocent and unexpected.

2. To answer these questions, we need to analyze the passage and identify the relationship between Joe Sedley and Rebecca. The relationship is the way that the characters interact with each other and feel about each other. To identify the relationship, we can look for clues such as dialogue, actions, thoughts, and emotions.

Let's look at the passage and see what clues we can find. The passage tells us that Joe Sedley is a friend of Amelia, who is Rebecca's friend. Joe has a crush on Rebecca, but he is shy and nervous around her. He also makes a mistake of making her eat a spicy dish, which he regrets. Rebecca, on the other hand, is an orphan who has never experienced happiness and love until she met Amelia and her family. She is grateful and respectful to them, especially to Mrs. Sedley. She also likes Joe, but she is playful and teasing with him. She pretends to be angry at him for the pepper-dish, but she also flirts with him and touches his hand. She is also shy and nervous about his feelings for her.

Based on these clues, we can infer that the relationship between Joe Sedley and Rebecca is not animosity (A), because there is no hatred or hostility between them. It is also not dear friends (B), because there is more than friendship between them. It is not strangers (D), because they know each other and have feelings for each other. The best answer is tension (C), because there is a sense of uncertainty and nervousness between them, as they are attracted to each other but do not know how to express it.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 2 is C. There remains tension between them.

3. To answer question 3, we need to find the choice that best provides evidence for the answer to question 2. Evidence is the information or details that support or prove a claim or an answer. To find the evidence, we can look for quotes or examples from the passage that show the tension between Joe Sedley and Rebecca.

Let's look at the choices and see which one best provides evidence for the answer to question 2. Choice A (lines 1-4) does not provide evidence for the answer to question 2, because it does not mention Joe Sedley or Rebecca at all. It only tells us that Joe was in a panic for two or three days and did not visit the house.

Choice B (lines 44-45) does not provide evidence for the answer to question 2, because it does not show any interaction or emotion between Joe Sedley and Rebecca. It only tells us that Rebecca left the room in tears when she saw a drawing by her father.

 Choice D (lines 93-94) does not provide evidence for the answer to question 2, because it does not show any tension between Joe Sedley and Rebecca. It only shows that Amelia defends Joe from Rebecca's teasing. The best choice is C (lines 84-87), because it shows both interaction and emotion between Joe Sedley and Rebecca. It shows that Rebecca excludes Joe from her gratitude to Amelia's family, which makes him feel left out and hurt. It also shows that she calls him by his full name, which makes him feel uncomfortable and awkward.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 3 is C. Lines 84-87 (“'except … sharp!'”).

4. To answer this question, we need to analyze the passage and identify the meaning of the word "induce" as used in line 13. The meaning of a word can vary depending on the context or the situation in which it is used. To identify the meaning of a word, we can look for clues such as synonyms, antonyms, definitions, examples, or contrasts in the passage.

Let's look at line 13 and see what clues we can find. Line 13 says "nothing could induce her friend to go without her." This sentence tells us that Rebecca refused to go to some social gathering without Amelia, who had a headache. The word "nothing" implies that there was no reason or motive that could make Rebecca change her mind. The word "without" implies that there was a condition or requirement that Rebecca had for going. These clues suggest that the word "induce" means to cause someone to do something or to agree to something.

Let's look at the choices and see which one best matches the meaning of "induce" as used in line 13. Choice A (generate) does not match the meaning of "induce", because it means to produce or create something, not to cause someone to do something. Choice B (instigate) does not match the meaning of "induce", because it means to provoke or initiate something, usually negative or violent, not to cause someone to agree to something. Choice D (foster) does not match the meaning of "induce", because it means to encourage or promote something, not to cause someone to do something. The best choice is C (persuade), because it means to convince or influence someone to do something or to agree to something.

5. The correct answer is C. She recalled her father after seeing his art.

To answer this question, we need to look at the passage and find the information that explains why Rebecca cried. In lines 40-44, we read:

> Once, in looking over some drawings

which Amelia had sent from school,

Rebecca suddenly came upon one which

caused her to burst into tears and leave

the room.

This tells us that Rebecca saw a drawing that made her cry and leave. But what was the drawing and why did it affect her so much? We can find the answer in lines 50-60, where Amelia explains to her mother:

> "You know, her father was

our drawing-master, Mamma, at

Chiswick, and used to do all the best

parts of our drawings."

"My love! I'm sure I always heard Miss

Pinkerton say that he did not touch

them—he only mounted them." "It was

called mounting, Mamma. Rebecca

remembers the drawing, and her father

working at it, and the thought of it came

upon her rather suddenly—and so, you

know, she—"

Here we learn that Rebecca's father was a drawing-master who helped the students with their drawings. Amelia says that Rebecca remembers the drawing and her father working at it, which implies that the drawing was done by or with the help of Rebecca's father. The thought of him came upon her rather suddenly, which suggests that he is no longer alive or with her. Therefore, we can infer that Rebecca cried because she saw a drawing that reminded her of her father and his work.

The other answer choices are not supported by the passage. There is no evidence that Rebecca knew that Joe Sedley was coming to visit (A), or that she is prone to random bursts of emotion (B). The passage also does not mention that she would be leaving Amelia that week (D), although it does say that Amelia wished she could stay another week (lines 64-65). These are all irrelevant or incorrect reasons for why Rebecca cried.

6. The correct answer is B. an orphaned tailor who has sentimentally kept his late father's equipment.

To answer this question, we need to compare Rebecca's relationship with her father to the four choices given and see which one is most similar. We know from the passage that Rebecca's father was a drawing-master who helped her and other students with their drawings. We also know that he is no longer with her, either because he died or left her. We can infer that Rebecca has a sentimental attachment to her father and his work, since she cried when she saw a drawing that reminded her of him.

The choice that best matches this description is B. an orphaned tailor who has sentimentally kept his late father's equipment. This choice implies that the tailor's father was also a tailor who taught him the craft and left him some tools or materials. The tailor has a fondness for his father and his work, and keeps his equipment as a way of remembering him.

The other choices are not very similar to Rebecca's relationship with her father. A bird who has fallen out of the nest and is saved by its mother (A) implies that the bird's father is absent or indifferent, and that the mother is the only one who cares for the bird. This does not match Rebecca's situation, since she seems to have a positive memory of her father and his help. An apple that has fallen early from a tree (C) implies that the apple's parent (the tree) is still alive and well, but that the apple has been separated from it prematurely. This does not match Rebecca's situation either, since we do not know if her father is still alive or not, and we do not know if she was separated from him by choice or by fate. An orphan who has never known his or her parents (D) implies that the orphan has no memory or connection to his or her parents at all. This does not match Rebecca's situation, since she clearly remembers and misses her father. Therefore, these are all incorrect comparisons.

7. The correct answer is B. challenge.

To answer this question, we need to look at the context of the word "defy" in line 95 and try to figure out what it means based on how it is used. In line 95, we read:

> I defy anybody not to be good to you,

my dear," said her mother.

Here, Rebecca's mother is expressing her admiration and affection for Rebecca, and saying that she does not think anyone could be unkind or mean to her. She is using the word "defy" to indicate that she is challenging or daring anyone to prove her wrong. She is confident that Rebecca is so charming and sweet that no one would have a reason to be bad to her.

The other answer choices do not fit the context of the sentence. To escape (A) means to get away from something or someone, which does not make sense here. To violate (C) means to break a rule or a law, which also does not apply here. To frustrate (D) means to annoy or upset someone, which is the opposite of what Rebecca's mother is saying. Therefore, these are all incorrect meanings of the word "defy" in this sentence.

8. To answer these questions, we need to analyze the passage and identify Rebecca's character. The character is the personality or traits of a person in a story. To identify the character, we can look for clues such as actions, thoughts, emotions, dialogue, and descriptions.

Let's look at the passage and see what clues we can find. The passage tells us that Rebecca is an orphan who has never experienced happiness and love until she met Amelia and her family. She is grateful and respectful to them, especially to Mrs. Sedley. She is also kind and gentle to Amelia, who is her friend. The passage also tells us that Rebecca is smart and witty, as she laughs at Mr. Sedley's jokes and teases Joe about the pepper-dish. She is also shy and nervous about expressing her feelings for Joe, and she flirts with him and touches his hand. The passage also tells us that Rebecca is interested and curious about different things, such as the Bazaars, the theatre, the raspberry-jam preserving, and the servants' lives. She is also polite and humble to everyone, even calling Sambo "Sir" and "Mr. Sambo". The passage also tells us that Rebecca is emotional and sensitive, as she bursts into tears when she sees a drawing by her father.

Based on these clues, we can infer that Rebecca's character is not condescending and over-bearing (B), because there is no evidence that she looks down on others or tries to dominate them. It is also not emotional and constantly distraught (C), because there is only one instance where she cries, and she recovers quickly from it. It is not stubborn and unwavering in her determination (D), because there is no evidence that she has a specific goal or plan that she sticks to. The best answer is good-natured and appeals to all (A), because there is evidence that she is kind, respectful, polite, humble, smart, witty, shy, nervous, interested, curious, emotional, and sensitive, and that she gets along well with everyone.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 8 is A. good-natured and appeals to all.

9. To answer question 9, we need to find the choice that best provides evidence for the answer to question 8. Evidence is the information or details that support or prove a claim or an answer. To find the evidence, we can look for quotes or examples from the passage that show Rebecca's character.

Let's look at the choices and see which one best provides evidence for the answer to question 8. Choice B (lines 40-44) does not provide evidence for the answer to question 8, because it does not show Rebecca's good-naturedness or appeal to all. It only shows her emotionality and sensitivity when she sees her father's drawing. Choice C (lines 56-61) does not provide evidence for the answer to question 8, because it does not show Rebecca's good-naturedness or appeal to all. It only shows Amelia's explanation of Rebecca's reaction to her father's drawing. Choice D (lines 107-111) does not provide evidence for the answer to question 8, because it does not show Rebecca's good-naturedness or appeal to all. It only shows her teasing Joe about the pepper-dish. The best choice is A (lines 28-39), because it shows both Rebecca's good-naturedness and appeal to all. It shows that she interested Mrs. Blenkinsop by showing sympathy in the raspberry-jam preserving, that she delighted Sambo by calling him "Sir" and "Mr. Sambo", and that she apologised to the lady's maid for ringing the bell with sweetness and humility.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 9 is A. Lines 28-39 (“She … Room.”).

10. The correct answer is A. Rebecca was worried about Joe Sedley's reaction to her forwardness.

To answer this question, we need to look at the passage and see what Rebecca did and said in lines 115-119, and how Joe Sedley responded. In these lines, we read:

> "No," said she, "I KNOW you

wouldn't"; and then she gave him ever

so gentle a pressure with her little hand,

and drew it back quite frightened, and

looked first for one instant in his face,

and then down at the carpet-rods;

Here, we see that Rebecca gave Joe Sedley a gentle squeeze with her hand, which is a sign of affection or flirtation. However, she immediately drew it back and looked frightened, which suggests that she was afraid of how he would react to her gesture. She looked at his face for a moment, probably to gauge his expression, and then looked down at the carpet-rods, which is a sign of shyness or embarrassment. These clues indicate that Rebecca was worried about Joe Sedley's reaction to her forwardness, or her boldness in showing her interest in him.

The other answer choices are not supported by the passage. There is no evidence that Rebecca forgot she was speaking to Joe Sedley (B), since she addressed him by name and gave him a squeeze. There is also no evidence that Rebecca was embarrassed in the presence of Mrs. Sedley and Amelia (C), since they were not involved in the conversation or the gesture. There is also no evidence that Rebecca did not like to entertain Joe Sedley (D), since she laughed at his jokes and gave him a sign of affection. Therefore, these are all incorrect deductions from Rebecca's reaction.

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Passage 3 Explanation HERE

Passage 4 Explanation HERE

Reading, Literacy II:

Passage 1 Explanation HERE

Passage 2 Explanation HERE

Passage 3 Explanation HERE

Passage 4 Explanation HERE

Passage 5 Explanation HERE

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